FinalMU Siege is a unique analogue of the castle siege for losers of guilds
At stake: a whole location analogue of the castle
- Registration for participation passes through the NPS located at Devias Event - 185 34
- To register for the siege of the island and the battle itself, all guilds that are not the owners of the castle are allowed
- Only 1 guild from the alliance can participate in registration and battle
- You will not have alliances and allies in the battle
- Guilds with at least 10 players are allowed to register
- The island is a former Elbeland, a special card available only for island owners, an analog of LOT
- Event time: 21:00 Server time
- Event Days: Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- The duration of waiting for the event is 10 minutes, the duration of the battle itself is 9 minutes
NPC photo
clicking on the NPC will open the siege menu
To register in the siege of the island, click the Registration button (registration price of the guild is 100 Goblin Points)
- Your guild must not own a castle and have lower than 10 non-twin players in the guild
First stage:
- The waiting time is 10 minutes, after the battle comes 9 minutes
- The siege process is only in one window, the second window will not be allowed to the event.
- Access to the card is closed for the duration of the event (During the event, only the NPS passes the Registrar - Devias 185 34).
- The battle takes place in a special arena
- Each guild can have a maximum of 8 players
- You cannot own a castle and an island at the same time
- In this event, all spells have a certain range of damage, HP, SD and defense are the same
- All types of options, buffs, amplifications do not work on this mode
- HP and SD regeneration off, banks off
- When you kill an enemy, they restore HP and DM to 100%
If more than 2 guilds participate, there will be a second round between the top 2 guilds from the first round
Stage Two - Awards
1. All winning guilds take buff (+ 15% DEF, HP, SD and + 15% damage).
2. The winner guild receives an island * in its possession .
- Guild buffs will run throughout the ownership of the island *.
- Only siege winners have access to the island *.
- The registration of alliances for the siege of the island is prohibited
- The island’s buff will not work during the siege of the castle and island
- And only the owners of the island * can go all the way and find all the special bosses there.
- You cannot dissolve or leave the guild while you own the island
- You cannot create or dissolve an alliance while you own an island
About the island
- The island is an updated Elbeland, there are added spots from LOT, added the chance of drop anz items, increased farm and quality by analogy with LOT.
- Elite and LOT bosses have been added to the island.
- Drop and exp on the island raised
- Zen drops
- Only the guild owner can enter the island
- If your guild is the owner of the island, then you receive a buff