Auto road guide

Последнее обновление: 2023-11-29 03:29:02

Our server has a unique ability to move around the location automatically

Auto path works in 3 ways:

  • 1 this is via commands

/gocoord X Y - the character goes to the given coordinates

/goparty - the character goes to the leader's party (only works if you are on the same map)

/goguild - character goes to guild master (only works if you are on the same map)

/gotarget NICKNAME - the character goes to the given character (only if you are on the same map, you are in a party or in the same guild with him)

  • 2 is minimap control

By clicking on the desired mob or party member on the minimap, the character will go to their last coordinates at the time of clicking

  • 3 is full map control

By opening map(TAB) and double left-clicking on the map

Double-click to auto move


  • The auto path cannot bypass impenetrable obstacles that occupy more than 15 squares
  • You can cancel the auto path by controlling through the arrows or by pressing ESC/Space