In-game market guide

Последнее обновление: 2023-11-29 03:38:11

Our server has a full-featured in-game market that allows you to sell/buy items for almost any server currency. The store has many different filters that simplify the process of finding the right item among thousands of different items.

How to open a market.

To get to the market menu, near the health indicators there is a button, by pressing it you get to the market.
You can also open the market by pressing F7 on the keyboard


For maximum convenience, a system of filters has been added. They are located at the top of the market.

Most filter names are intuitive and self-explanatory.

This filter allows you to select an item category and opens a submenu of filters

There is also a search by name.

Enter the text and press the "enter" key

The system will give you the items you are looking for right away!

Search by Excl Options

The filter allows you to select several options at once, which should be in the item

Here I selected the DD+REF options, and the system immediately produced several items that matched the given options

Filters allow you to see only YOUR items in the store

Check the box - everything is filtered! The name of the item indicates that it is yours

How to put an item up for sale

In order to put an item that you prefer to sell in the market, you need to put it in the inventory with the mouse and holding Ctrl + right-click by mouse

When you have done this simple combination, you will see a menu:

Here you have to choose the currency for which you want to sell the item and at what price

If the item is on the market or has been sold before, you will be written a recommended price based on the prices in the store. Unfortunately, for my small axe there was no recommendation :)

As soon as you click the Sell button, players will be notified in a pop-up window about the item and its price.

Buying items.

Well, we got to the most important point, how do you buy an item?

Point and click on the item you like

A Buy or ldquo;BACK”. button will appear(in case you want to withdraw your item from sale), press it

To reduce the number of accidental purchases pop up a confirmation window where you can double-check the price and characteristics of the item!
Congrats, item is yours!