List of teams for players on the FinalMU server
- Gives rewards for the bonus code
/quest - Shows information about the current daily quest
/addstr (count) - adds power
/addagi (count) - adds agil
/addvit (count) - adds vitality (to stamina)
/addene (count) - adds power
/addcom (count) - adds a command
these commands automatically distribute stats for the parameters you set it works both in normal mode and in auto reset
Данные команды автоматически распределяют статы под заданные вами параметры, работает как в обычном режиме, так и в авто ресете
/zentrade (name) (count)
/setzen (count)
/getzen (count)
Instead of the NAME, insert the name to whom you pass zen
Instead of QTY, we insert the number of zen you need to transfer
The maximum number of Zen for 1 time for this operation is
/getpackbless (count) (type)
/getpacksoul (count) (type)
/getpackchaos (count) (type)
/getpackcreation (count) (type)
/getpacklife (count) (type)
/getpackharm (count) (type)
/setpackbless (count) (type)
/setpacksoul (count) (type)
/setpackchaos (count) (type)
/setpackcreation (count) (type)
/setpacklife (count) (type)
/setpackharm (count) (type)
Instead of QTY, we insert the number of zen you need to transfer
Instead of TYPE, insert the type number of the jewels pack
Packs of jewels have 3 TYPES (1 is 10 jewels in a pack, 2 is 20, 3 is 30)
The maximum number of packs of jewels for 1 time for this operation 5
/post - message
- message
- message
/autoparty (number) - if 0 then disables auto reception in the party, if it is greater than zero then sets the password for the party (password up to 4 digits)
/joinparty (number) - enter the password from the party we want to join and throw the party request
/pps - a team to search for players in the party, shows your location and coordinates, writes how many players are already there and how many
/checkterr - Territory check command
> - Territory purchase team
/getbless (count)
/getsoul (count)
/getchaos (count)
/getcreation (count)
/getlife (count)
/getharm (count)
/setbless (count)
/setsoul (count)
/setchaos (count)
/setcreation (count)
/setlife (count)
/setharm (count)
Вместо КОЛ-ВО вставляем количество камней нужных вам
Максимальное кол-во камней за 1 раз для данной операции 50
/tradebless (name) (count)
/tradesoul (name) (count)
/tradechaos (name) (count)
/tradecreation (name) (count)
/tradelife (name) (count)
/tradeharm (name) (count)
Instead of the NAME, insert the name to whom you transfer the jewels
Instead of QTY, insert the number of jewels you need to transfer
The maximum number of jewels for 1 time for this operation 50